Proyek infrastruktur bukan hanya soal pembiayaan, tapi juga tantangan teknologi dan political will. Negara yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan warganya dengan membangun infrastruktur haruslah negara yang kuat secara finansial, mampu secara teknologi, dan memiliki keberpihakan terhadap semua warga negara, termasuk yang selama ini terpingggirkan.

Buku Membangun Jembatan Masa Depan merupakan bagian dari serial #legacyJokowi yang diterbitkan oleh PT Populi Indonesia Maju. Serial ini sengaja disusun dalam bentuk buku foto agar dapat menjadi dokumentasi sejarah, dan lebih mudah dinikmati.

We are professionals who provide organizations or institutions with expert advice and guidance on various communication related issues. We help develop and implement effective communication strategies that achieve goals and objectives. We analyze communication practices to identify areas for improvement by conducting surveys, focus groups or interviews to collect data. We implement the communication plan by developing communication materials, coordinating with the media, establishing relationships with stakeholders (government), public survey and organizing events.

We produce original content for a variety of media platforms and formats, such as videos, podcasts, blogs, social media posts, or other forms of digital content. We use our creativity and expertise to develop content and work with and collaborate with content creators, marketers or other content designers to produce high-quality content that meets audience needs. Our experience as content creators includes researching and writing articles, creating graphics or videos, editing and proofreading content, optimizing content for search engines, and promoting content through various channels.

Our experience spans a wide range of digital tactics, from social media marketing, digital marketing methods, online media to IT development and maintenance. We develop, plan and execute effective digital strategies such as planning digital marketing campaigns, managing digital content, overseeing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies, managing digital advertising and monitoring, and analyze data to optimize digital campaign performance. We leverage technology and digital channels to create more effective marketing and media publication strategies to drive better business results.



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PT. Populi Indonesia Maju

Jl. Mampang Prapatan VIII No.38

Tegal Parang, Jakarta Selatan

DKI Jakarta, 12790

Tel. +62 21 26965809

[email protected]